The story of Blandina

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Blandina is a resilient young woman who was received at our Rescue Center in 2015. She was abused by her stepbrother and then became pregnant. During her stay with us, she gave birth to her son Joel.

Blandina is the epitome of a vulnerable teenage girl who has grown into a mature and powerful woman. She does not let the traumatic events of her past define her future, but uses her experiences to support and advise younger children.

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The story of Blandina

Blandina is a resilient young woman who was received at our Rescue Center in 2015. She was abused by her stepbrother and then became pregnant.


An update on Agnes & Flanley

During our trip to Kenya in November 2022, we met the heavily pregnant Agnes at our Rescue Centre. She was staying with us at the

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van de laatste ontwikkelingen in Kenia en Nederland.

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